Current solar PV solutions are expensive in Colombia, even though solar PV prices have reduced by almost 80% globally. High prices become a deterrent for anyone to consider solar energy alternatives, negatively impacting the speed at which emerging markets such as Colombia decarbonise.

The Future is 50/50 Group focusses on democratising one of the specific basic needs omitted from the pyramid. This is electricity for emerging markets, through affordable European and North American solar PV solutions, accelerating decarbonisation with manufacturers, universities, R & D institutes, and investors.
Through latest technology and affordable prices offered to everyone, the company expects to bring progress and development keeping a balance across:
Alliances with European & North America high tech solar technology developers y pioneers
Access to latest solar technology at affordable price in emerging markets
Collaboration with banks, cooperatives & investors with highly affordable loans for anyone who wants solar energy
Share our expertise knowledge with anyone who desires to have a solar solution
Revolutionise de applications of solar energy so that any household or business can benefit to the max.

The Future is 50/50 Foundation focusses on democratising one of the specific basic needs omitted from the pyramid. This is electricity for emerging markets, through affordable European and North American solar PV solutions, accelerating decarbonisation with manufacturers, universities, R & D institutes, and investors.
Through affordable prices for any household in urban and rural areas, the foundation expects to bring sustainable prosperity keeping a balance between:
European & North America solar technology companies with good quality solutions cheaper than current local available solutions
The 'Haves’ by continuing to subsidise 20% of solar solutions for the ‘Have-nots’
Banks, cooperatives & investors with highly affordable loans for all households
Universities with labs to develop solar solutions and facilities to train the
'Have-not' family with new solar skills
The 'Have-nots’ will pay less for the solar solution through highly affordable loans